Friday, May 14, 2010

my favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is the laptop. I got it in July the last year. I use the laptop every night after class, except on days go home because there isn’t internet, and without internet the laptop is very boring. I like the laptop because it is very useful for me to communicate with people I care about; I used to do the tasks of the university on line with my classmates, to listening to music, to watch funny videos, to watch movies, find addresses of places, find lyrics of my favorites songs and to watch their videos, to read the books and download songs and images of amine, to look for information on education, and to translating texts into English.My life without the laptop would be so complicate and boring because with the laptop can I do many things without leaving home, and I can save a lot of information and photographs of my family and because when I’m boring I can talk with my friends by msn and we can laugh a lot I can play, and forget the bad things that have happened, does not solve problems but makes them less complicated. Is the best invention in the world after football.


  1. Cool! The laptop, internet and messenger its like an adiction

  2. Well done Paulina, but there are some minor mistakes, let's talk next class...
